
Self-help tips for dealing with depression

  Be proactive Admit you have a problem - this can be a difficult step, but by accepting that you are struggling with depression, you can take steps towards getting help and feeling better Set realistic goals - try to set yourself daily goals, like getting dressed and leaving the house every day. If you set goals and then achieve them, this can make you feel good about yourself and can lead to you achieving even bigger goals in the future Set yourself a daily schedule – this will help you get some structure into your life. For example, try to cook at certain times of the day, and have time set aside to read a book or do something relaxing Look after yourself physically to feel better mentally Try and exercise every day - exercise boosts the ‘happy chemicals’ in the brain and improves mood. Even walking for a few minutes each day can help Try to get enough sleep - depression can make it difficult to achieve a good night’s sleep, but there are some steps you can take to...

Eating Disorders and Recovery

Image source Eating disorders are commonly associated with female adolescents. Yet, this widely accepted stereotype does not match the reality, and is a dangerous assumption that shouldn’t diminish the seriousness of the illness. The cliché of eating disorders being something that only affects the younger generation has led to many people ignoring signs and symptoms of eating disorders. Eating disorders are serious illnesses, and getting access to treatment as early as possible can give a person the best chance of making a full recovery. Eating disorders can happen to anyone at any age. Typically, they start as an unhealthy coping strategy, which the person uses to try and manage overwhelming emotions and difficult situations. Regardless of age, gender or ethnic diversity, the symptoms and behaviours associated with eating disorders remain similar. It can have an equally devastating impact on any person’s quality of ...

In Pursuit of perfection...

Our lives have becoming increasingly busy over the years with the ability to never stop. We have access to work emails 24/7 and endless to do lists. And, when we finally do get 10 minutes to spare, we usually spend that aimlessly staring at our screens and looking at strangers 'perfect lives'. Perfectionism is a term that is thrown around quite a bit, but there is a huge difference between the productive mindset of wanting to do well and the counterproductive mindset of 'striving for flawlessness'. The latter mindset can leave individuals sensitive to criticism and plagued by self-doubt when it comes to estimating their performance abilities.  But what makes people feel like they need to be perfect, and why is it an increasing phenomena? As we develop we adopt personality traits that allow us to reach certain goals which are further influenced as a result of the experiences we go through. For example, If a child believed that they are inferior for some reason, they...

Changing your body with exercise.

In personal trainer training we are taught to describe people’s body types in three ways. Ectomorph – Lean and slender build with slight muscular development. Mesomorph – Athletic/muscular body build. Endomorph – Heavy rounded body build with a tendency to become overweight. Most people fit into one or two of these categories. Just because you are in one of these categories does not mean you can’t alter the way your body looks. But, you defiantly cant go from being a ruler to an hourglass or vice versa, it just won’t happen due to your genetics, build, your bone structure, despite what fitness industry marketing claims! What you can do through exercise is change the size of your natural shape, as well as increase muscle and bone strength. For example, going from a large ectomorph to a slimmer toned one or vice versa. Either way the actual shape of your body will not change. I am telling you this, because I see so many people embark on a ...

How to spot a FAD diet

Image source How many diets do you know of? Off the top of my head I can easily think of a dozen. And I think we all know someone (if not yourself) who has pretty much tried them all, yet they are still battling with their weight and struggling with their diets. So, why are there so many diets, and why do none of them really work? We are bombarded with marketing campaigns, endorsed with some once 'fat' individual (or celeb) who lost 100lbs and are now living the life of their dreams! Well, if it worked for them, it must work for you too right? However, I think you know by now that basically all of these diets just dont deliver what they claim to. Why? because they are just not sustainable long-term. Yes, if you start a diet and cut calories, ...

Does life need to be perfect for us to be truly happy..?

    Hedonic adaptation is defined as people’s general tendency to return to a set level of happiness despite life’s ups and downs. We set goals to aspire to, and believe that when we get there we will finally be truly happy. Until then we put up with the daily grind, telling ourselves it will be better when we reach the goal, whether that is fitting in to them old jeans or reaching that 'perfect' weight. However, the truth is if you are not truly happy as you are in whatever circumstance it is that you are in, it is unlikely you will be truly happy despite the goals you achieve. As humans, we are very good at adaptation. The theory of hedonic adaptation is that no matter what the circumstance you find yourself, that is positive or negative, you will eventually adapt back you your set point of happiness. So, if like many people I have come across in the gym, you are telling yourself that you can start living the happy healthy lifestyle you desire once your body is...

Does calorie counting help or hinder..?

With the rise of fitness trackers and calorie / macro conscious media, more of us are becoming increasingly conscious of the nutritional values of the food we are consuming. As someone who has a history of eating disorders, I know all too well how time consuming and anxiety provoking it can be trying to calculate all these supposedly important numbers. But, do we really need to be so concerned about the specifics of what we are putting in to our bodies, or is it just another way to control and confuse those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Lets go back to the basics, what are macros and what exactly is a calorie? Macros are macronutrients that the body needs most of, these are Protein, Carbs and Fats. A c alorie is the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 degree Celsius. How does your body use these nutrients? CARBOHYDRATE     = 4 Kcal per gram Used as energy by the body (except insoluble fibre) 20% used by the brai...