Simply fitness - Leg and shoulders workout

Try this functional circuit targeting legs and shoulders for a quick but effective workout.
If you are unsure how to correctly complete any of the exercises, please seek out a fitness professional in the gym who I am sure will be happy to advise.

Remember, these are advanced exercises that you can work up to so go at your own pace! If you need to rest for longer periods that's ok, and if you can't complete an exercise, just adapt it or follow my alternatives that is more suitable for you.


step up box
hand weights

Total time = 20 minutes 

Each exercise 1 minute + 1 minute rest at the end of each circuit round.

The circuit 
  • Box Burpees in to Press Up. Alternatives - Floor burpee / Floor burpee with press up / Box jump.
  • Side Lunges with Upright Row. Alternatives - Side lunges / Lunges / Upright rows.

  • Deadlift to Clean and Press. Alternatives - Deadlift / Squats / Clean and Press.

  • Balance bent rows. Alternatives - Stand on one leg / Single leg deadlifts with hand weight / Bent over rows.

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