Simply Eats - Vegan chickpea curry

If you are anything like me cooking a healthy and nutritious meal after a long day is the last thing you want to do. This makes it all too easy to resort to unhealthy convenience meals.
Over they years I have created many simple healthy meals that are so quick and easy to make, as well as student budget friendly, they make microwave meals look like effort! 

Vegan chickpea curry recipe

Time 15 minutes


1 Tin of chickpeas 
1 Tin of chopped tomatoes 
A big handful of spinach and kale (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic
Curry powder 
Chilli flakes
1 lemon 


Heat the pan and add the chilli and garlic 

Add the greens and leave for a minute 

Add the chickpeas and curry powder 

Add the tomatoes and other seasonings (I like salt, pepper and soy sauce) 

Let it all simmer for 10 minutes whilst you cook the rice 

Serve up with a squeeze of lemon and enjoy!


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